Whether you are a professional athlete, or just enjoy taking part in your spare time, injuries are very much a common occurrence. Pulls, sprains, and strains occur regularly, and while many heal quickly without the need for professional intervention, other injuries may take weeks or even months away from your sport while you heal.

Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to increase the rate at which your injury will heal and reduce any pain or side effects that you experience during the process. In addition to hot/cold therapies, sports massage, and oral pain medications, you should consider making an appointment for a consultation with a chiropractor.

Common Types Of Sports Injury Treated By Chiropractors

Although professional and regular sports players are less likely to suffer from injury than someone who plays intermittently, they do still occur. All of our bodies are prone to the same types of injuries, many of which can create a range of side effects, from discomfort and pain to swelling, limited mobility and an interruption to the ability to perform day to day tasks.

In some instances, it may be an underlying problem that causes the injury, such as joint or spine issues. These often occur gradually and without symptoms, until one day, when the underlying problem causes something noticeable to develop.

Some of the most common sports injuries treated by chiropractors include:

  • Achilles tendon problems
  • Calf and hamstring pulls
  • Golfer’s elbow
  • Groin strain
  • Lower back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Shoulder pain (rotator cuff injuries)
  • Thigh injuries
  • How Can Chiropractic Care Improve My Athletic Recovery?

    Having a sports injury can be incredibly frustrating. Not only do you have to deal with the effects of the injury itself, but you also may have to take weeks, months or even longer off of your sport in order to heal properly. And if you play professionally, the injury could threaten your career.

    Most sports injuries are caused by pushing the body beyond its usual limits. Most of them involve some sort of spinal misalignment or inflammation that puts pressure on the spinal cord or surrounding nerves. A chiropractor is trained to perform manual manipulations that will restore balance to the spine and body systems. In doing so, they can reduce inflammation and increase the flow of nutrients and oxygenated blood to the affected area which will speed up the natural healing process so that the body can repair itself faster. The use of chiropractic care has been shown to reduce both pain symptoms and the healing time required for most sports injuries.

    Regular chiropractic care can also be used to help prevent future problems. In many cases, athletes have weaknesses or imbalances in their bodies that aren’t yet causing them any symptoms but if left untreated, could cause a much more prominent injury. By identifying these and performing chiropractic manipulations to realign and balance the body, your practitioner can potentially avert future injuries.

    Want to know more about chiropractic care for athletic recovery? Contact our friendly, knowledgeable team today who will be delighted to assist you.

    Progressing In Your Plan

    No one can begin something new and expect to perform at the level of a seasoned professional. Your treatment plan is no different. If you are in extreme pain or facing serious muscle deficiencies, your exercises will be tailored and amended to fit your specific needs and limits. As your muscles strengthen, once difficult exercises should no longer pose a challenge and your chiropractor will review and update your plan. You may perform the same moves, but with added weight, more time, or increased repetitions. You may also be introduced to entirely new moves as your level of fitness increases.

    Corrective Exercises Vs. Physical Therapy

    While physical therapy is similar to corrective exercises, physical therapy typically utilizes office visits much more heavily as you may need constant monitoring by a physical therapist during prescribed exercises. Though this can be an effective practice for many individuals, there are some who prefer to work more independently or may not have the time to make additional office visits.


    If you’ve been injured or are experiencing pain, you should consider scheduling an appointment with a chiropractor today. They have the skill and means to treat your issues with a broad approach that will lead to increased health and mobility in all areas of your life.